This is a totally new trend in the clubbing and partying arena.
GlowFur is a closely held company headquartered in Colorado. The company is committed to developing amazing, fun, and outrageous Glowing fur apparel to the most fashionable people on earth.
Since the inception of GlowFur in the fall of 2006, a phenomenon has been in place. From San Francisco to New York to London, we are told of numerous positive reactions expressed with words like,
"This is amazing..."
"it's magic...
"Wearing GlowFur I get the celebrity treatment every step I take!!!...

These new shoes designed by Steve McIntyre are very original. When you walk, there are some pressure points that are stimulated by pressing on a soft sensitive area connected with various reflexology points causing a gentle glow from the underside of the sole.
The ball of the foot touches on the solar plexus point, the centre of emotional energy.
The shoes offer an emotional 'bath of light' experience so that the act of walking is "healing"
Women have been wearing high heels for many decades, and maybe this new kind of shoes will make women's shoes designers turn to a much more comfortable, wearable and tireless shoes for women. Maybe men's will come next...