Marketing Trend: ID Plates, Driving The World To Your Website

I was doing a research on the internet, and I found this cool and brilliant idea that I have never seen before. The base of the business is simple but smart, and the potential is unlimited.
If you want to promote your business name, your website, your company logo or whatever messsage you want to show to the world, there is no better way to do it. You can have your website or business name printed in a silver or golden car plate that you can stick to the back of your car, and it will stay there as long as you keep the car. When you change your car, you can always remove the little plate and stick it to your new car.
This ID plate is not a cheap sticker. It is a hard molded plate, with a chrome or golden finishing.
The math is very simple: Any day you drive your car, around 3,000 people at least will read the ID plate you have in the back of your car. This means 3,000 “impressions” of your website per day. In a year this means 1,095,000 impressions of your website or your business name, contact details, etc… Imagine this amazing promotion of your business wherever you drive your car… and the cost of these ID plates is ridiculous: At the full retail price of $39.95 (chromed plate) or $44.95 (golden plate).
In my opinion this is one of the simplest but most effective ways of marketing I have seen. The best part is that shipping is free WORLDWIDE.
If you want to have more details about this original and effective marketing idea, CLICK HERE